GET BACK, the best TV series of the year-maybe any year.
I found every second of this 3 part doco compelling and came away at the end with a new admiration and respect for the individual and collective talents of The Beatles. Peter Jackson has produced a masterpiece.
As a young lad I was obsessed with pop music. I had a huge shortwave radio in my room, through which I tracked down the latest pop music from around the world. At aged 15, Elvis entered my pop music spectrum and the 50’s rock’n roll followed to shape my music tastes. It was no surprise then that on leaving school I joined Philips Records as a junior and began a 50 year working life in music and entertainment.
The most striking and emotional part of GET BACK, for me, was to see the group, between takes of their new songs, break into a rock’n roll classic and to share their joy of that musical genre.
It was a privilege to see The Beatles creative process, the groups’ dynamics and the sheer hard and repetitive work that goes in to make a record album of this quality.
Whilst an avid fan of The Beatles I have never warmed to Paul McCartney. GET BACK has changed that. Among the great talent on view, including the virtuoso Billy Preston, Paul stands out as a creator and leader whose love of music shines through it all. Apparent too is the musical chemistry between John Lennon and Paul McCartney as they bounce musical ideas off each other and instinctively know where the other is heading.
Throughout the series we also get to see The Beatles families and friends interact with each other and those around. Since viewing the series my internal juxebox is playing the songs from the show on repeat. That’s a good thing.
If you love pop music, GET BACK is “don’t miss-must watch” documentary TV
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